Copper Plating
to ASTM B734 / MIL-C-14550B / AMS 2418
Often used as under layer of other plated finishes like nickel, silver or gold in order to improve adhesion and corrosion resistance. It can also be the final coating uased for appearance, solderability and stop off for heat treatment.
Nickel Plating
to ASTM B689/QQ-N-290/MIL-P-27418/AMS2403-2424
Bright nickel - Lustrous deposit
Semi-bright nickel - less bright in appearance which has less problem on soldering and brazing.

Black Nickel Plating
A decorative/functional black plating which gives an attractive cosmetic finishes, optic parts and components requiring anti glare, low reflectivity.
Electroless Nickel Plating
to ASTM B733/MIL-C-26074/AMS2404
A chemical conversion reaction i.e. auto catalytic. As no current is applied on this process which gives very uniform thickness all over the surfaces. The hardness of the coating can be increased substantially by heat-treating in our house facility.
Medium phosphorous electroless nickel.
The most commonly used EN process for cost efective coating of complex parts.
High phosphorous electroless nickel.
High corrosion resistant deposit used extensively on components used in the oil,gas and mining industry, also on specialised electronics parts.
Teflon® EN.
An electroless nickel coating incorporating PTFE particles for lubricity and wear resistance
Zinc Plating
to ASTM B633 /QQ-Z-325C
The most inexpensive decorative and sacrificial protective coating against atmospheric corrosion of iron and steel parts. Passivation/chromating is required for zinc plating in order retard the zinc corrosion. Presently we have three types of chromating, blue chromate, trivalent chromate and black chromate with the option of sealants. All the chromating process are hexavalent chrome free processes.
Zinc Nickel Plating
to ASTM B841
Zinc alloy plating which provides superior corrosion resistance, protects the base metal for over 1000hrs to red rust. Corrosion resistance of Zinc nickel plating can withstand thermal cycling environments so can be used for automotive components that are exposed to high temperature.
Zinc Flake Coatings
A polymer zinc coating for specialized parts where hydrogen embrittlement may be a problem or to be avoided . It is suitable for spring steel and high strength steel parts. It provides exceptionally corrosion resistance with a variety of self colour or coloured sealant coatings. Presently, 2 colours are available ie silver and matt black color.
Blackening Process
to MIL - DTL-13924
Chemical conversion and blackening process on the metal surface of ferrous iron, stainless steel or copper and copper alloys material. The dimensions of the components are not effected by the blackening process. Blackening is applied for a cosmetic purpose but corrosion resistance can be improved by the applcation of oil or waxes which will also enhance the depth of colour.